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Upcoming Events for Kitchen Table Travel


Happy new year to you all! It's been a bit of a rough start to 2025 and our heart and minds are with everyone in Los Angeles. I lived in L.A. when I was in my twenties and attended culinary school there. That magnificent, diverse city built a solid foundation for everything I know about food, cooking, culture, powerful women in culinary arts, hard work, and everlasting friendships. I don't want to get too maudlin so we'll get started on some good news.

We will be at Lo Honda Winery in Redwood City on January 18th from 12-4pm for their open tasting day. Located at 2645 Fair oaks in Redwood City amongst industrial buildings and auto mechanics, La Honda Winery is a delightful and surprising slice of Tuscany here in our county!

The wine tasting fee is $10 and KTT will be there selling cheese and charcuterie and other goodies.

10% of all of our sales that day will be donated to the Pasadena Human Society. Our pets provide companionship and mental and emotional support. If I was ever in a similar situation I'd be able to focus on everything else happening around me knowing that my best friends were being taken care of. Please join us and help raise some cash!!

In other good news, we are finalizing our itinerary for our trip to Sicily in April. We'll e touring from Palermo to Catania Easter week, April 13 to 20, seeing the sights and eating the foods and having a great time. We'll post the itinerary once it is finalized but if you are interested in saving a spot on the tour, email us directly.

With much love and gratitude for friends, travel, and cheese. Abbracci.

Here's an old pic of a young G cooking in Los Angeles!
Here's an old pic of a young G cooking in Los Angeles!

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